Prepare Your Mind for the Journey
Bob teaching at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Most visitors to the Holy Land are overwhelmed by all the new information and images and it all becomes a confusing blur. The goal of the Footsteps of Jesus Experience is for you to encounter Jesus in a new and life-changing way in the places he lived and ministered, which will shape the way you live the rest of your life. To help achieve that goal Bob has created a visually-rich teaching course called “Recovering the Way: The Video Series” to help you prepare for our pilgrimage. It is comprised of twelve 40-50 minute episodes to help you absorb some of the information and images you will be exposed to on the trip. We strongly recommend you watch these videos once a week during the four months prior to our departure so you can absorb these images and this information. Bob’s book, Recovering the Way, is comprised of twelve chapters that correspond to these videos. Reading the corresponding chapter from the book after watching each of the video episodes is the best way to prepare your mind for the trip.
Bob teaching in the 1st centrury synagogue on Masada
Here are the twelve episodes of the video teaching course:
Video One: Jesus' World, Romans, Herodians
Video Two-Three: Jesus' World, Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots
Video Four: Jesus' Birth
Video Five: Jesus' Home
Video Six: Jesus' Baptism and Temptation
Video Seven: Jesus' Family
Video Eight: Jesus' Call
Video Nine: Jesus' Rhythms
Video Ten: Jesus Capitol
Video Eleven: Jesus’ Sacrifice
Video Twelve: Jesus’ Triumph
To purchase and watch Recovering the Way: The Video Series, visit the Store at or click the button below.