Reflections on The Footsteps of Jesus Experience
Feedback from real people who have taken the trip with us ...
Tom B.: “My wife and I traveled to the Holy Land with Pastor Bob on "The Footsteps of Jesus Experience" and found it to be one of the greatest experiences of our lives. Period. It was flawless. Bob is a real expert in the history and archeology of Israel, as he lived there and studied with the great New Testament scholar Jerome Murphy-O'Conner. We had a solid rhythm of quiet time, worship, prayer, fellowship, walking, and seeing every place where Jesus was. We were blessed to have Bob and his wife Pam (she's delightful) as guides, friends, and fellow travelers. He prepared us with instructional videos before we went, a 150 page companion guide with brilliant drawings and historical insight, as well as clear and precise communication. The balance of biblical content, working with everyone on the trip, creating powerful encounters, and engaging a deep faith within all of us is brilliant. This is not a tour, it is an EXPERIENCE.”
The group on the southern steps of the Temple
Greg G.: “Being part of the Footsteps of Jesus pilgrimage with Bob and Pam was an incredible experience. Everything was very well organized and thought through, and there were so many incredible historical and archeological sites to see, and biblical teaching to hear. But most importantly of all, it helped me sense the presence of Jesus in a much more tangible way – the historical, resurrected Jesus is the One who is walking beside me each day and empowering me to know Him, receive from Him, follow Him, and love others with Him. My very highest recommendation for this spiritual pilgrimage!”
Eric L.: “Our time on the Footsteps trip is the greatest Biblical learning experience I have ever had and certainly one of the greatest spiritual experiences I have ever had.” (Eric is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary!)
Linda B.: “If you want to really feel the Spirit of the Lord and walk in His footsteps with truth and love, this is the trip for you. Forget fancy restaurants and overserved buffets, but radiate in the real ministry of our Lord and Savior, shared in the places where He walked and lived, with a passion and love unmatched. You will leave filled with the love of our Lord in ways you may have never experienced….. I know I did.”
Veronica Y.: “This trip was the most amazing and precious journey I have yet to encounter. Honestly, not a day goes by that I do not think of Israel and that I was there walking in the footsteps of Jesus. I know that I did not have to go to Israel to find Jesus or to be close to him, but it has changed me. Maybe it just opened my heart to let the Holy Spirit in, cannot explain any of it but there is a joy that could only be God sent.”
Suzann A.: “The Footsteps pilgrimage enriched the Gospels for me sooooo much. I will never read them the same. They have been enriched forever and my faith has grown leaps and bounds. Bob’s teaching was life changing!”
Jim L.: "This pilgrimage has revealed treasure in the Gospels that had previously remained hidden from me for all of these years. The result is not just an improved theological knowledge, but an exciting reshaping and re-orientation of my walk with Christ."
Diane K.: "Footsteps of Jesus was a fantastic trip with a truly wonderful mix of teaching, experience, reflection, worship and fun. I loved it. Bob really knows what he is talking about in terms of the history, archaeology and context, but he also is someone who has a deep spirituality and the mixture of the two was fantastic. Also it was very organized which really helps. Loved the mix of corporate worship during each day as well. Really helped us to slow down, reflect and go deeper into the experiences we were having – and deeper with each other too."
Anton F.: “Footsteps was a game changer for me. This wasn't a trip ... it became a pilgrimage of devotion to Jesus. As you walk through a sea of bus tours, you realize you are on something different ... It was all about experiencing Jesus. If you wanna go on a spiritual experience that will challenge you mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, go on this pilgrimage. It changed my life. I can’t wait to go again!”
On the Cliffs of Arbel over-looking the Sea of Galilee
Eileen C.: “The Footsteps of Jesus Experience can only be described as life-changing and a 'must' for any believer in Jesus who is able. I learned so much that I will be processing over time as I read the Scriptures and see the many ways that it makes more sense now. It's like you don't know what you don't know until you know it. This was a 'know it' experience that has opened my eyes in ways I never expected. Awesome!”
Jay P.: "I learned so much from the Footsteps of Jesus pilgrimage about the way that Jesus led his disciples, that I want to apply in my personal life and ministry! We didn’t just see the places where it happened, we intentionally lived it together! We experienced together the way Jesus made disciples, and that made a huge difference!"
Jonathan H.: "My trip to Israel in the Footsteps of Jesus was far beyond my expectations. Bob, Pam and their team provided a comprehensive, enjoyable information-filled experience of the Holy Land that makes the Gospels come alive. I would heartily recommend this trip to anyone who wants solid content and is not looking for pampering. This trip is excellent value for money and was unforgettable."
Larry S.: "This trip was all that I hoped for and I will be forever changed! We prepared for the pilgrimage through the videos and book that Bob spent many hours to prepare for each one of us. During the Footsteps of Jesus we were able to vividly place ourselves in those words Jesus spoke so many years ago in the very places he lived on earth for us. Bob and Pam's love for Jesus and desire for each one of us to grow in a deeper relationship with him has changed me because of the vast knowledge they have. I would prompt anyone wanting a deeper relationship with our King to strongly consider the Footsteps of Jesus!"
Brenda H.: “Be prepared for an experience that digs deep - which confronts and challenges, but which also builds faith and provides deep spiritual comfort. Be prepared to meet Jesus and learn to model the way that He did life through relationships of love which offer both invitation and challenge. Be prepared to experience God’s grace and love with fellow travelers who are wanting to step up into God’s calling on their lives.”
Malcolm P.: "I knew what I was looking for in taking this trip. I wanted to see, feel and touch the places Jesus lived, played, worked, died and rose again ... I got all that and much more; skilled knowledgeable, gracious, Spirit-led facilitation, great people, good food and accommodation, with a degree of freedom to explore on my own. Don’t go to Israel hoping you’ll bump into Jesus. Go with people who will ensure you do!"
Lakeside Chapel at Tabgha on the shore of the Sea of Galilee
Andy P.: "A two-week intensive of information and revelation beyond all I had imagined or hoped for…The wisdom and input and knowledge through the videos, the book, and on the trip were amazing. I loved Bob's style, authenticity, and believability. I've said to friends it was like an intensive two-week university module in history, geography, archaeology, religion and Christian theology…and to have Bob's 30 years worth of wisdom shared with us was an incredible privilege. I came away with both information and revelation."
Rod S.: "This is truly a trip of a lifetime experiencing Jesus' mission and how he carried that out here on earth. I will be processing what I experienced in Israel for months and highly recommend this trip with Bob and Pam to anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of Jesus' ministry."
Trevor P.: "To go on this pilgrimage in the Footsteps of Jesus is to place the historical Gospel accounts in context, to understand the extent of Jesus' ministry in Galilee, and to face the challenge of opposition in Jerusalem. It is to encounter the compassion and sacrificial love of His suffering and the triumph of His resurrection. It is to be challenged to follow more closely as His disciples and to do what He does in everyday life."
Ann S.: "For me, this wasn't a trip ... it became a series of real-life spiritual lessons under the umbrella of God’s covenant and His kingdom. Every day was intense, physically, mentally and spiritually. We walked everywhere. We saw, touched, heard, tasted, smelled many things that Jesus experienced in his life. I think Bob is the expert on linking Scripture to archaeology and history. My big take away was 'the humanity of Jesus.' What his life was about, his physical existence on earth, his struggles and challenges, his life rhythms, his relationships with people, and particularly his constant and consistent 'human' dependence on our Father. If Jesus did it, then I need to aim for that too."
Peter G.: “This is a great faith affirming adventure because it supplies the physical evidence supporting the biblical account of the events surrounding Jesus’ life. An amazing experience spiritually and life changing... for the better!”
Taylor N.: "This was an experience of a lifetime! I didn't know what to expect, but it was beyond what I could have imagined. After learning about the history before during and after Jesus, and visiting those sites I see the Bible in a whole new way. I enjoyed the group of people I went with, it was such a spiritually rich environment. I definitely grew spiritually and I can't wait to go again."
Rod P.: "I cannot imagine a more comprehensive or insightful trip to the Holy Land anywhere. I came back physically tired but spiritually refreshed. I wish I had taken this trip 20-30 years ago. In fact, it ought to be a required course in the seminary."
Floating in the Dead Sea
Liz L.: "The Footsteps Experience brought a new perspective on the reality of the life and ministry of Jesus, that gave a different slant on my biblical understanding. The visits to Capernaum and Nazareth brought life to an understanding of Jesus' calling of the disciples. This is especially helpful in encouraging people who are called to 'the workplace' and to build successful businesses. The trip is life-giving and fun for any Christian, but I would encourage anyone in leadership (church or workplace) to take part."
Gloria S.: "Swimming in the Dead Sea, unforgettable … kneeling by the rock of Golgotha made my spirit soar … walking the Stations of the Cross was an eye-opener … very different to me than just reading about it. The fellowship of the group in such a holy place was wonderful ... the quiet times, it was like meeting Jesus face-to-face."
Bob K.: "When we visited Jesus’ birth place, and other historical places, I felt a closeness to Christ that I had not felt before the trip. Bible stories came alive for me, my relationship to Jesus was strengthened, and my prayer life increased … it was one of the most memorable experiences in my life."
Worshiping at the Shepherd's Fields, Bethlehem
Catherine C.: “I truly loved the Footsteps of Jesus Experience in the Holy Land. There is such power in knowing that in some physical way we can share in the experience of Jesus even though it has been 2000 years. Our Savior was actually there at one time and I could feel it and know it. It was real.”
John W.: “I will always remember the Footsteps of Jesus Experience as one of the powerful turning points in my life, learning more deeply about Jesus in the context of the land of his life and word. It changed my life as a pastor and preacher-teacher of the Gospel because of the profound encounter I had with Jesus Christ in that remarkable, stunning place of faith and salvation history. Thank you for introducing me to such richness!”
Eating on the veranda overlooking the Sea of Galilee
Ritsuko D.: “The Bible has become more exciting because the scenes have come alive; imagining myself in them became easier for me. You can't help feeling the weight of God's making of history when you are there. It has become an awesome feeling for me each time I think of the trip. It is indescribable.”
John D.: “It was the trip of a lifetime. Staying in and exploring the Old City in Jerusalem was very special. I could never appreciate the sheer size of the Temple Mount just seeing it in pictures. Now I can easily envision the scene where the disciples are marveling at the great stones and Jesus announces the coming judgment on the Temple.”
Celeste L.: “The experience of walking the ancient stone steps in Jerusalem, looking out over the rooftops with the golden Dome of the Rock in the distance while we shared morning devotions, being present with the very old, powerful spirit in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher; actually touching the water in Galilee are only a few of the experiences in which the life and teachings of Jesus came alive. Making the journey “In the Footsteps of Jesus” with Bob, a knowledgeable, caring and experienced guide and teacher made it possible to feel safe and open to an unforgettable and life-changing two weeks.”
Taking a sail on the Sea of Galilee
Deb Z.: “I am thankful for a powerful gift given to me while on “The Footsteps of Jesus Experience.” I had a life-changing experience when I encountered the loving eyes of Jesus at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The love I experienced leaves me with NO DOUBT that Jesus is God and that I am loved. That encounter has calmed my soul in a way I cannot explain. I have a real knowing of a love that words cannot explain AND I feel truly blessed to have been given this truth .... a love that absolutely took me to my knees and all the shame I had been carrying was gone.”
Denny S.: The Footsteps of Jesus pilgrimage in the Holy Land was incredible! I went in with the preconceived notion that it would be an amazing experience and indeed it was. I did not anticipate the ongoing impact on my faith walk daily since returning from the trip over 6 months ago… it has brought the Bible “to life in color.” The experience adds such a texture and depth to my visualization and understanding of the Bible. I expected the impact to fade over time but it has only gotten stronger as I continue to walk with the Lord.”
The group at Caesarea Philippi